January 9, 2023 Town Board Meeting Highlights

All 5 Trustees Present                     Citizens Present: 22


* Regulations for Short-Term Rentals, Ordinance 2023-01, was approved unanimously by the Town Board.  (A copy is on the website.)

* A new computer and its software was approved for up to $2,000 to replace the current one.



*  The Augusta Library roof has been repaired with new shingles.  Thank you Hedrick Brothers!

* Pothole repairs will be discussed at the February 6,2023 meeting.


* Tell It Like It Was live at the Harmonie Verein with Alan Frazier on January 10 at 7 pm.


* Chairperson will share new ideas for the design and possible playground equipment at the February 6, 2023 meeting.


 * Chamber is holding a Membership Drive in February.

* Plein Air event coming in April 2023.     The Chamber is requesting housing for Artists.

* Approximately $4,000 was taken in on Trivia Night.  This will be added to the Playground Fund.


* The request for a Conditional Use Permit with 2 conditions, including a multi-family dwelling, was approved for the Hanani House at 5568 Chestnut Street.

* Rezoning Application for 5501 Locust Street was submitted.  Public Hearing set for 2/21/23 & 3/1/23.

* Two separate Right-of-Way waivers were approved for 255 Washington Street for Crown Properties Randy Greene and for 295 Washington Street.


* Levee repair completed and waiting for Corp of Engineers to certify.


*  Report was approved.  Checks were approved.


* Eff 12-13-22 $2100 1st Advance on December collections.                         Eff 12-15-22 $303.49 November collections.     Eff 12-21-22 $5000 2nd Advance on December collections.            Eff 12-28-22 $1500 3rd Advance on December collections.

* Rezoning application $1000 check for Jeff and Lisa Bina at 5501 Locust Street.

* 4 Business Licenses (@ $25) for Rockwood Asset.

*  2 Land Use permits (@ $50) for Hoffman at Gallery Augusta and The Hostel.

*  5 Sign Permit applications (@ $10) for Ziglan Signs at the White House Cafe (2 signs), the Emporium Coffee Shop (2 signs), and the Clothing Store (1 sign).


OPEN TO CITIZENS:  Sign up requests withdrawn.

Complete Town Board Meeting Minutes are in the Augusta Library.















December 5, Town Board Meeting Highlights


All 5 current Trustees present.

New Business:

1.) Election is on April 4, 2023 for three Town Board members.  Signups will once again be in the library from December 6 – 27.

2.)  The Hoffman Family of Companies is opening a restaurant, a jewelry store, and rezoning for a clothing store.  Business licenses need to be obtained.

Old Business

1.)   Short-term rental moratorium will be discussed on December 15.  It will be voted on at the next meeting and go into effect on January 10.

Open to Citizens:

1.)  Gay Eskew presented the offer by a friend to purchase the four-way teeter totter on the Town Square playground.


Treasurer’s Report:

1.)  Town Assets are $488,075.00.

2.)  Go Daddy subscription is officially terminated.


1.)  A check for $500 was received on 11/15 for a meeting house at Chestnut and Ferry.

Public Works:

1.)  Phase I for the Sidewalk Grant will begin in the spring.  Cochran has been contacted.

2.)  Post Office toilet was replaced.

3.)  Discussion was held about the yard waste dumpster at the ballfield.  People have been using it for items other than the intended yard waste.  It caught on fire three times with hot coals igniting the yard waste and other items.  A discussion was held about purchasing a video camera.  The decision was made to keep the dumpster.  It has been called in for pickup and a replacement from Grace Hauling.

4.)  Library roof shingles were presented for inspection.

5.)  A discussion was held about installing decorative lamps to aid with lighting on the street along the path of the new sidewalk.  They cannot be part of the grant, but the lighting conduits can be put in place while the sidewalks are torn up during Phase 2 of the grant.


Zoning & Planning: 

1.) Zoning needs a replacement for the Board of Adjustments since Randall Oaks is now a Town Trustee.  Ashley Hesjedal has agreed to take the position.  A second alternate has been contacted, Hayley Jehling, who has also agreed to accept the appointment.

2.)  A zoning meeting will be held on December 19 to discuss turning 5578 Chestnut into the Hatte House, a point of refuge for those who need help.  Residents will stay a few months.  The permit is for fixing up the basement with additional bedrooms.

3.)  294 Washington is selling their home with a right-of-way encroachment on Town property.  The situation was sent to the Town attorney.

4.)  Seven signs were denied.  They may appeal to the Board of Adjustments by February 8.

History & Museum:  

1.)  Paul Ovait will interview another person on January 10 at the Harmonie Verein.

2.)  The downspout needs to be fixed as soon as possible.  The goal is to fix it and then make it historically accurate.

Chamber of Commerce:  

1.)  The Christmas Walk went well.  Thank you to all the volunteers.  Expecting another good turnout for 12/9.  Santa’s place was wonderful this year; it was magically decorated in the bottom bay of the Town Hall.

2.)  House tours went well.  A fifth home was added at the last minute.  Discussion was held about future tours.

3.)  Trivia Night will add to the Parks coffers for the new playground.

4.)  Parking presented some problems on the streets around the Town Square.  It was suggested to block off Walnut and Chestnut Streets with No Parking signs.  Alternative places for parking were suggested such as Mt. Pleasant, the ballfield (with lighting), building a parking garage behind the Visitor’s Center, and other ideas.  A trolley could transport guests around Town.

5.)  The 53 foot trailers and buses have a difficult time, if not impossible one, getting around Town.  Discussion followed about where they could turn around.

Farm Report:   No report submitted.

Tree Committee:

1.)  Annual tree city application submitted.  Two leaflets sent to the Town residents.  The school students postponed the tree planting.

Parks Committee:

1.)  Met with a group of men to discuss the conceptual design for the new playground.  The Town has allocated $10,000 and the Chamber currently has $15,000 with another addition coming soon from the Trivia Night.

2.)  Some of the playground equipment will be eliminated.  A person is interested in purchasing the 4-way teeter totter; he will also dismantle and remove it.  Discussion followed about a sale of the unwanted playground equipment at the Town Park and also the school.

Cemetery Committee:  No report submitted

KIDS’ “BEST OF AUGUSTA” PHOTO CONTEST  display board with the 30+ entries is now in the Augusta Library for your viewing pleasure.  Any suggestions for the 2023 Photo Contests?  I’m investigating the possibility of printing off photos taken with cell phones at events such as the Plein Air and the Augusta Harvest Festival.   Should we again solicit gift certificates or other prizes once again from Town businesses?  Responses included using a theme such as “the uniqueness of Augusta.”  The printing off of photos is a good idea for the adult contests.

TOWN OF AUGUSTA WEBSITE  will include winners of the town decorating contest, the gingerbread house winners, the latest minutes, and other information.


December 2 & 9, 2022            Christmas Walk  (5:00 – 10:00 pm)

December 10, 2022                 Trivia Night — Roaring 20’s Theme

December 15, 2022 at 6:30 pm –Town Board Meeting for final discussion of the Short-Term Rental Moratorium

December 19, 2022 at 7:00 pm — Zoning Meeting to discuss the change to a multi-family dwelling at 5568 Chestnut

January 9, 2023 at 7:00 pm —  Town Board Meeting at 7:00 pm

January 10, 2023                        Paul Ovait interview at Harmonie Verein     

November 7, 2022 Town Board Meeting Highlights

SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING — November 7, 2022  (6:30 – 6:50 pm)

Motion was made to appoint Randall Oaks as Trustee to the Town of Augusta to assume the duties as Director of Public Works.  It was seconded and approved.  Randall Oaks was sworn in as Trustee.

REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING — November 7, 2022  (7:00 – 8:42 pm)

All 5 current Trustees present, including the newly sworn in Trustee:  Randall Oaks.

New Business:

1.)  Bill 2022-10 on Phase 2 of the Sidewalk Grant went through the process of being accepted as Ordinance 2022-10.


First Place is “Sunset in the Bottoms” by Nash Barron from Augusta with a prize of $30.00 from the Town Board.   Second Place is “Sad Little Window” by Kyra Flagg from Augusta with a prize of $25.00 from the Town Board.              Third Place is “Waterfall” by Cienna Doyle from Augusta with a prize of $20.00 from the Town Board.

Winning photographs are on the Town Website, in the November Boone Country Connection, and as enlargements in the Augusta Library.  A traveling display board with all of the photos is starting at Augusta Elementary School and will end up at the Library.

There were 30 plus entries from kids 12 & under.  Thank you to everyone who submitted a photo.  Congratulations Nash, Kyra, and Cienna.

Old Business

1.)  No updates on the Hoffman Family of Companies.

Open to Citizens:

1.)  Deanna Dothage presented pamphlets for the MU Economic Development MU Extension Program. Discussion followed.


Treasurer’s Report:

1.)  Treasurer’s Report and check expenditures were approved with the exception of one voided check.

2.)  Account Quick Report on ARPA Funds given by Ellen Knoernschild, Treasurer, from September 2021 through August 2022.  Motion made to accept the report.  It was seconded and approved.


1.)  No report.

Public Works:

1.)  There are three bids for the Library roof repair:  Shingle Tech for $17,156; Integrity Roofing for $17,025; and Hedrick Brothers for $20,856.  Motion made, seconded and approved to accept the bid of $20,856 from Hedrick Brothers for the Library roof repair.


Zoning & Planning: 

1.)  Zoning Commission submitted  8 sign permit applications for review and approval.  Seven were denied and one (2022-11) was approved.

2.)  Motion made, seconded, and approved to reimburse Bill & Debbie Schaeffer’s CUP Application fee of $250.

History & Museum:  No report submitted.

Chamber of Commerce:  

1.)  Getting ready for the Christmas Walk December 2nd and December 9.

2.)  December 3rd House Tour — 4 houses are on the Tour.

3.)  Trivia Night on December 10th — 10 tables are assigned.

4.)  The Chamber requests usage of the Ball Field on April 20th through April 30th.

Farm Report:   No report submitted.

Tree Committee:  No report submitted

Parks Committee:  No report submitted

Cemetery Committee:  No report submitted


November 13, 2022                 Christmas Decorating

November 28, 2022                 Zoning Commission Meeting on the Short-Term Rental Moratorium

December 2 & 9, 2022            Christmas Walk

December 5, 2022                    Town Board Meeting

December 15, 2022                  Town Board Meeting final discussion of the Short-Term Rental Moratorium

December 19, 2022                  Zoning Meeting to discuss the change to a multi-family dwelling at 5568 Chestnut